Supporting Your Construction Project with Inspection Services

Construction is booming in the Florida Keys with many trying to get their homes and businesses back in operation.
In some instances, the local municipalities lack enough inspectors to meet the demands of the hundreds of projects happening in the lower, middle, and upper Keys.
Many times the municipality have a process where a registered architect or engineer can apply to be an inspector as long as they meet the professional credentials, business registration requirements, and company financial requirements.
Recently, K2M Design was engaged by the owner of Cheeca Lodge who was under significant pressure to get the resort opened. As their local architect and engineer on a variety of projects in the past, we again united with the owner and their contractor to provide inspection services for the restorative work they were doing over the last few months.
Two days each week, our inspector was on site, conducting our analysis of the completed work, keeping the Village informed through our regular reporting, and most importantly the contractor moving forward. The impact of our team commitment was the grand re-opening of Cheeca Lodge this past weekend.
The main driver for many of the businesses and associations in the Keys is tourism and getting the properties back in operation so tourists can visit us and drive the Keys economic engine is critical. At any point in your redevelopment you need inspection services call the experts at K2M Design.
Proudly serving the Florida Keys for nearly two decades!