K2M Featured in EFA Design Showcase: Live Well Fitness and Rehab Center

K2M Design included in EFA’s Design Showcase for our Live Well Fitness and Rehab Center located on the Westminster Village West Lafayette campus.
Read about this exciting senior living project focused on resident wellness.
The Live Well Fitness and Rehab Center at Westminster Village has exceeded everyone’s expectations. This fully accessible fitness center is the focal point in this community. It features an open-concept gym, 3-lane lap pool, multi-directional/varying-speed therapy pool, dance and yoga studio, spa-like locker rooms, and art and music studios. Residents, staff, and the eligible seniors in the community have full access to the facility. A strong internship program exists with the Health and Kinesiology department at Purdue University, as they host 6-8 interns yearly. Residents love the intergenerational relationships and the enthusiastic youth.
As plans were developing for future growth, Focus Groups were formed for “community” input. Three dozen, income-qualified participants were invited to a series of eight meetings. Participants were an average of 10 years younger than the community’s typical resident, and many were recently retired from nearby Purdue University. The discussions revolved around the questions, “ What do you desire in your next living space?” and “What would make people willing to leave their homes?”. The groups unanimously identified a well-designed fitness center as a critical element to attract new and younger retirees. This center has become a social hub and the bridge between the many levels of home environments offered at Westminster Village.
When designing for active-lifestyles, programing progressed for development of a new fitness center and three new independent living Hybrid Home apartment buildings. These generously sized, custom apartments aligned with the vision of the focus groups, and feature enclosed parking, secure lobbies and custom finishes. The question of, “What would make someone willing to leave their home?” had been answered. Custom home units surrounded by incredible fitness amenities, or vice-versa. All units were occupied within the first year, and there is currently a waiting list of 180 potential new IL residents.