Happy 19th Anniversary K2M Design!

A message from Scott Maloney:
As I have pondered what to write about its hard to not look back to the early days and think about the similarities where we were then and are today. Ten days after launching K2M we had the 9/11 attacks in NYC, WDC, and in Shanksville, PA. Shortly thereafter the global war on terror began as America vowed justice for those who tragically and bravely lost their lives that fateful day. For a period of 6 months travel ground to a halt. Many folks working in high rise towers did not want to come to work for fear of another attack. Large public gatherings were cancelled due to the perceived risk. Safety and security were an absolute priority of the nation and for US citizens around the world.
It was during this time that Harry Keagler and I refined who we really wanted to be, and more importantly, why. We shaped our mission to Building Relationships Based on Trust and Results – which still holds today. Weekly we reinvented K2M to respond to the challenging times. With the massive slowdown in the economy at that time our work was cut out for us as a fledgling start-up business. We developed partnerships with other Architects and Engineers, developers, public entities, non-profits, and contractors. Every day we persevered and brought in little bits of work until that one fateful day the City of Lorain said yes to our team to design their new police expansion and jail. Our big break that put a massive wind in our sails and allowed us the opportunity to realize our K2M vision.
As we cross the 19-year anniversary mark, we once again find ourselves thrust into very turbulent times. Those high-rise towers are empty once again, there are very few gatherings of any kind, and we focus on the safety and security of our people, our homes, our workplace, and our communities. Many of us remain sheltered in place, self-quarantining after summer travel, and starting a virtual school year in our homes.
As I look back and ponder what we did right it was the focus on Nurturing Relationships that was the critical success factor. Relationships gave us a base to build our incredible team together, across multiple locations, and in a variety of disciplines to realize the K2M vision. The relationships we have formed power K2M forward every day. While some are “live,” many remain virtual. We have adapted and evolved but the inherent relationship truth remains – they are based on trust and results. A truth that held 19 years ago, and still holds true today.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone in the K2Muniverse that has made the last 19 years truly memorable. The relationships we have built with each other are the glue that keep us moving forward.
Here’s to year 19 and many more to come.